Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Greatest Threat to Our World

by Ron Gray National Leader of the CHP

What's the greatest threat in the world today? Global warming? Islamic terrorism? Big business? George W. Bush? Barack Obama?

No, it's none of those. The greatest threat to our world is cowardice: the fear of being scorned threatens to dismantle civilization and leave us unprotected in a dog-eat-dog world. Most journalists, politicians and academics are so bound by this irrational fear they're no longer able to think.

Consider what's being done to our economy in the name of discredited theories about "global warming": British Columbia's Liberal government has imposed a ruinous carbon tax that will accelerate inflation. The federal Liberals propose a similar tax. Both Liberals claim the taxes will be "revenue neutral" because they plan to give us a rebate to offset the tax we pay on gasoline and heating fuel. But that tiny rebate won't even begin to offset the inflated costs of everything that has to be moved by ship, rail or truck—almost everything we buy. And it won't offset the damage done to the economy.

The NDP, the Bloc and the Green Party are all in lock-step with the Liberals, afraid to confront a global agency promoting global hysteria over a phony global "problem" that will require a global authority—in short, a propaganda campaign pushing a power grab.

The federal Conservatives lack the courage to declare that the whole hysteria is based on discredited fake "science"; that the so-called "greenhouse gases" are actually beneficial; that the money poured down the "global warming" rat-hole could provide clean drinking water for the Third World; that the very survival of people in poor nations is put at risk because no one in the developed world has the courage to say, "It's a crock!"

And no one seems to have the courage to say that the 400 babies we killed today are precious members of the human family—and we need every one of them. No one seems to have the courage to say it's wrong to teach children that sexual perversions which shorten life expectancy are a "right". No one seems to have the courage to tell the governor of Colorado that decency demands public washrooms be segregated. No one seems to have the courage to say that criminals, in the act of committing a crime, give up some of their "rights"; or that law-abiding citizens have a right and an obligation to defend their homes and their families.

The list of public absurdities goes on and on and on… because the very people who should be leading us are terrified that someone will say something nasty about them if they defend common-sense morality.

The greatest threat to the world is cowardice. And it's growing.

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