Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chicken Little and Global Warming

by Rod Taylor, CHP Environmental Policy Critic

Do you remember the children’s story about Chicken Little? The tiny chick was struck on the head by a falling acorn and decided that the sky must be falling. The little bird kept repeating the story so convincingly that soon all the other barnyard fowl were in a panic and they ran off to warn the king. In the earliest version of this fable, they met a fox on the way who took advantage of their hysterical state and gobbled them up. In the more modern versions, (revisionism everywhere) they managed to escape the fox and Chicken Little received an umbrella from the king to prevent being struck by another acorn.

Today this fairytale has come to life. Many well-meaning people, including NDP Environment critic Nathan Cullen have been taken in by Al Gore’s powerful propaganda movie “An Inconvenient Truth”. Politicians of all stripes are hurriedly implementing carbon taxes and “cap and trade” schemes to soothe the afflicted consciences of Canadians who desperately want to help save Planet Earth. These carbon taxes will never be “revenue neutral” but are already playing a role in the skyrocketing price of oil and gasoline. “Cap and trade” and “carbon offsets” do nothing to solve environmental problems but do add another level of taxpayer-funded bureaucracy, leaving even less money in the hands of Canadians to pay for their transportation and heating needs.

MP Cullen continues to promote this outlandish fairytale in spite of the growing mountain of data that conflicts with the “Global Warming” hoax. To date, over 31,000 scientists have signed a petition to “cease and desist” from aggressive carbon-focused policies and treaties like Kyoto, which they say will damage our economy and impede our efforts to curb real pollution.
Every responsible citizen wants to reduce man-made chemical toxins in our environment but water vapour and carbon dioxide are not toxins. They are beneficial gases needed for life and plant growth. There is NO evidence that miniscule increases in CO2 levels are contributing to global warming. Natural cycles have always existed and sunspot activity is most likely at the core of any real climate change. Unlike Al Gore’s “hockeystick” graph, historical evidence suggests that increases in CO2 levels follow periods of global warming, rather than preceding them. There is also evidence today that the planet may be entering a cooling phase.

Fear and panic are tools used to manipulate and control people and to wring more money out of them for ever-expanding government. Chicken Little and the alarmist flock may be making a flap in Parliament but it’s taxpayers who will have to pay when the chickens come home to roost. Let’s take our finger off the panic button and focus on the things we can change: reducing real pollution, ensuring clean drinking water for ourselves and our children (that includes protecting the Sacred Headwaters, something Nathan and I agree on) and pursuing realistic energy alternatives for the future.

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